All registered control situations must be reviewed since all the companies of each business group must be listed and prepare to register the beneficial owners (natural persons) in the RUB.
According to External Circular 100-000003 of 2021, the Superintendence of Companies stated that for the purposes of Article 30 of Law 222 of 1995, all the companies related to the business group or situation of control must be listed, including companies in liquidation, indicating the entities through which control is exercised, in cases of indirect control.
It should be noted that in External Circular 100-000003 of 2021, the Superintendence of Companies includes a reference to "Beneficial Ownership", citing the Manual on beneficial ownership prepared by the Secretariat of the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).
From the perspective of AML/CFT/AML/CFT prevention systems, it is not enough to be aware of the existence of a situation of control or a business group, but due diligence must be extended to the identification of the beneficial owners in the case of natural persons who own, directly or indirectly, more than twenty-five percent (25%) of the legal entity with which the contract is entered into, or who, without being its owner, exercise control of the company.
n the tax area, the DIAN issued Resolution 164 of 2021, which regulated the amendments introduced by the Social Investment Law (Law 2155 of 2021) to articles 631-6 and 631-6 of the Tax Statute.
With Law 2155 of 2021, the obligation to report beneficial owners was created through the new Sole Registry of Beneficial Owners (RUB), which is part of the Sole Tax Registry (RUT).
With this, national companies, as well as foreign legal entities that have more than fifty percent (50%) of their assets in Colombia according to their financial statements, are obliged to provide, maintain and update the information of their beneficial owners in the RUB.
It should be noted that under the terms of Article 631-5, as in the IDB/OECD manual, only natural persons who own or directly or indirectly control an entity, and those who exercise effective control over a legal person, are beneficial owners.
According to the aforementioned rules, beneficial owners of a legal entity are those natural persons who individually or jointly, directly or indirectly, own five percent (5%) or more of the capital, voting rights, or benefit from five percent (5%) or more of its assets, or who exercise direct or indirect control over the legal entity by other means.
If a natural person is not identified, the final beneficiary will be the legal representative or whoever has greater authority in the management or direction of the vehicle.
In the case of unincorporated structures, the beneficial owners are the natural persons who are settlors, incorporators, fiduciaries, beneficiaries, trustees and conditional beneficiaries, or have a similar or equivalent position, or any natural person who exercises control over the same or has the right to enjoy or dispose of the assets, benefits, results or profits.
The term to provide the information to the RUB expires on September thirty (30) two thousand and twenty two (2022).
Non-compliance with respect to the registration of beneficial ownership information in the RUB may result in the closure of the local establishment or office for one (1) day for each month or fraction of a month of delay, or the imposition of a fine equivalent to one tax value unit (1 UVT) for each day of delay, in case of lack of establishment, local or office; if erroneous or incomplete information is provided, the fine will be equivalent to one hundred (100) UVT, and if the information is not updated, a fine equivalent to one (1) UVT will be imposed for each day of delay, under the terms of article 658-3 of the Tax Statute.
According to the above and in the terms of External Circular 100-000003 of 2021, the registration of the situation of control or business group must list all related companies, which in the terms of article 260 of the Code of Commerce, includes the parent company, affiliates and subsidiaries.
Additionally and under the terms of Resolution 164 of 2021, they must be registered in the RUB, listing the individuals who individually or jointly, directly or indirectly, hold five percent (5%) or more of the capital of the parent company
Gründung von Handelsgesellschaften - Beratung zur Einhaltung innerer und äußerer Pflichten der Gesellschaft - Auflösung und Liquidation von Handelsgesellschaften - Beratung zu Handelsverträgen, einschließlich ihrer Vorbereitung, Prüfung, Durchführung und Beendigung - Fusionen und Übernahmen - Ausgliederungen - Vereinsgeschäfte u Strategische Allianzen - Privatisierungen - Finanz- und Bankrecht, Wertpapiermarkt - Internationale Verträge und Verhandlungen - Auslandsinvestitionen, Börsenrecht - Projektfinanzierung - Energie und Kohlenwasserstoffe und Telekommunikation
Strategische Allianzen - Handels- und Gesellschaftsrecht - Schiedsverfahren - Lieferverträge - Auslandsinvestitionen.
Unlauterer Wettbewerb - Wettbewerbsbeschränkende Geschäftspraktiken (Kartellrecht) - Fusionen und Übernahmen - Dumping, Subventionen und Schutzmaßnahmen - Verbraucherschutz
Verträge mit staatlichen Stellen - Öffentliche und private Ausschreibungen - Verwaltungsklagen vor den verschiedenen staatlichen Stellen - Klagen gegen den Staat - Volksklagen - Umweltrecht
Zivilrechtliche Verträge - Stiftungen und gemeinnützige Körperschaften - Familienrecht - Erbrecht - Ausländerangelegenheiten, Visa - Standesamt
Titelstudium - Verhandlung und Rechtshilfe bei Immobilienverträgen - Immobilien Due Diligence - Strukturierung von Immobilienprojekten - Horizontales Eigentumsrecht - Städtebauliche Genehmigungen
Due Diligence - Steuerberatung juristische und natürliche Personen - Steuerplanung - Auslandsinvestitionen - Devisenrecht
Gestaltung von Arbeitsverträgen - Beratung bei der Durchführung und Beendigung des Arbeitsverhältnisses - Arbeits- und Hygienevorschriften, Arbeitssicherheit - Ethikkodex, Anti-Korruptionsrichtlinien - Sorgfaltspflicht bei Arbeitsverträgen für Unternehmen
Mündliche Verfahren - Vorgerichtliche und gerichtliche Mahnverfahren - Schiedsverfahren - Schlichtungen
Registrierung von Marken, Patenten, Gebrauchs- und Geschmacksmustern in Kolumbien und in den Mitgliedsländern der Andengemeinschaft - Hinterlegung von Namen, Bannern und Werbeslogans - Überwachung und Verteidigung von Prioritäts- und Exklusivitätsrechten - Recherchen in amtlichen Datenbanken - Urheberrecht - Geschäftsgeheimnisse - Domänennamen und E-Mail-Adressen - Lizenzvereinbarungen, Technologietransfer und Franchise - Datenschutz
Mauricio Bertoletti - Adriana Polo